Matthew Baumann Associates
MBA's recent projects (2019-2023)
Mapping government actions towards the Thriving Plants & Wildlife Goal
Working with ICF and CECAN, the aim of this project, commissioned by the Office for Environmental Protection was to catalogue government actions towards the TPW goal as defined in chapter 1 of the Environmental Improvement Plan. Key to this was developing classificatory systems that woudl enable the production of meaningful representations of the full range of actions linked to the key delivery themes, the 'maturity' of actions, and which stakeholders were responsible for delivery. OEP used the findings and outputs from our work in chapter 3 of their annual progress report which can be found here.
Read our full report, also published on the OEP website here:
Evaluation of Youth Endowment Fund's Turnaround Programme
YEF worked with Ministry of Justice during 2022-23 to scope and commission an evaluation of the MoJ Turnaround Programme operating in 154 Youth Offending Teams during 2023-25. I managed the project for YEF during 2022-23, scoping the evaluation, establishing relationships with MoJ, commissioning and managing a feasibility study and the development of a protocol for a Randomised Control Trial.
Evaluation Framework for Natural England's Nature Recovery Network Programme
During 2022-23 I worked with ICF to develop an evaluation framework for Natural Englands Nature Recovery Programme which aims to support the delivery of the England wide Nature Recovery Network.
Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project Evaluation
This Shared Outcomes Fund project aimed to test how to scale up green social prescribing services in 7 local areas in England in order to improve mental health outcomes and reduce demand on the health and social care system. I worked with Sheffield Hallam University, University of Sheffield, University of Exeter on this evaluation during 2021-2023 focusing on governance and central coordination of the programme, and evidence utilisation. The programme brought together DHSC, NHS, Defra, and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
Evaluation of Youth Endowment Fund (YEF)'s Neighbourhood Fund
The Neighbourhood Fund is testing whether and how empowering people to make decisions about their local neighbourhoods can prevent children from becoming involved in violence. Working with YEF and five 'hyper local' areas, I supported YEF to scope a high quality evaluation of the initiative during 2022.
Evaluation of the Modern Energy Partners programme
MEP was a public sector energy innovation programme led by BEIS and delivered in collaboration with Energy Systems Catapult (ESC). It was set up to accelerate deployment of integrated energy efficiency solutions on large public estate sites. It was part of the BEIS’ Energy Innovation Programme (EIP) which aims to support the public sector and the supply chain in the realisation of the Clean Growth Strategy objectives to meet carbon emission reductions targets. I worked with Technopolis Ltd and Carbon Trust to evaluate this programme during 2021-22.
Evaluation of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator and the Whole House Retrofit Programmes
These key BEIS programmes aimed to accellerate national capabilities for cost effective whole house retrofit, whilst promoting economic recovery. I worked with Technopolis and Ipsos Mori and the Energy Saving Trust advising on this evaluation during 2021/22.
Evaluation of The Health Foundation's Inclusion Panel
The Health Foundation (THF) commissioned 'Community Bridges to evaluate their Inclusion Panel. The Panel was set up in summer 2020 and aims to contribute to THF's aims to mainstream and embed diversity and inclusion (D&I) across the organisation and to improve the ability of THF's research to better represent different communities and people with different backgrounds. I provided advice to the evaluation team during 2021.
Evaluation of Defra's Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot
The Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme is one of 3 schemes being developed to encourage environmental land management. The other schemes are Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery. The Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme will reward farmers for managing their land in an environmentally sustainable way. The pilot is in its early stages - over 2,000 farmers submitted expressions of interest earlier in 2021 and were invited to apply to take part. The full scheme will launch in 2022, initially for farmers in England who currently get payments under the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). I worked with ICF Consulting, Fera and the University of Exeter and with Defra staff to collaboratively design the evaluation framework including detailed theory of change and evaluation questions (Nov 2020 - March 2021).
Evaluation Framework for the Nature Strategy 2020-2030 (Department for the Environment Food and Agricultural Affairs (Defra))
Defra's 10 year Nature Strategy will articulate the many ways in which Defra funding and encouraging action to tackle the drivers of biodiversity loss and nurture resilience for the future. I worked with ICF Consulting Ltd and ICF associates, College of Ecology and Hydrology, and Centre for Evaluation of Complexity at the Nexus (CECAN) to design an evaluation framework to underpin the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the strategy and its key programmes (November 2020 - May 2021)
Theory of Change Tool (Defra)
Defra commissioned Technopolis Ltd and CECAN to produce a bespoke Theory of Change (ToC) tool that could be appiled in the complex policy arena that Defra operates in - supporting both robust policy design and the design of policy evaluations. This tool will enable Defra evaluation teams to develop strong causal frameworks for evidencing and assessing policy processes and impacts in support of the Defra 25 Year Environment Plan. I worked closely with the team to design the tool (December 2020 - June 2021).
Industrial Fuel Switching and Hydrogen production Evaluations (BEIS)
These two innovation programmes aim to develop, demonstrate and reduce the cost of fuel switching and hydrogen production, storage and supply. They are part of the BEIS’ Energy Innovation Programme (EIP) which aims to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions and the cost of decarbonisation, by accelerating the commercialisation of innovative clean energy technologies and processes into the 2020’s and 2030s. I worked with CAG Consultants to develop the evaluation framework for these evaluations (2021).
Scoping the Whole House Retrofit Evaluation (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS))
The whole House Retrofit programme is part of BEIS' Energy Innovation Programme which aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative clean energy technologies and processes into the 2020s and 2030s. I worked with Technopolis Ltd to develop programme and project level theories of change, and scope evaluation purposes, questions, data / data collection and suitable evaluation methods (January - June 2020)